Sell with Auction Service Network

Become an ASN seller

By selling on ASN you have the opportunity to access thousands of customers to participate in your Auctions.

Why should I sell on Auction Service Network?

1.   Reach thousands of customers

Access a massive audience of ASN customers shopping across Canada.


2.   Access a new sales channel

When you sign up as a Affiliate Seller, you will have access to sell on, through a Unified Account. This will enable you to easily share product listing information and manage your inventory consistently across marketplaces.


3.   Build brand recognition

Access a massive audience of ASN customers shopping across Canada.


4.  Increase product exposure

Get the word out—boost your product visibility with Sponsored Products keyword-targeting advertising. Sponsored Products promotes the individual products you sell on ASN, allowing you to choose which auction products to advertise, assign keywords or product attributes to target.


Start selling today